Friday 5 for March 19: Consumer reports

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What tool did you most recently purchase, and what tool will you purchase next?
  2. What toy did you most recently purchase, and what toy will you purchase next?
  3. What staple did you most recently purchase, and what staple will you purchase next?
  4. What did you most recently purchase to give away, and what will you next purchase to give away?
  5. What are you most recently glad you did not purchase after consideration?

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for March 12: Twelve months

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Yikes. After a nice streak of posting early, I got caught up in stuff last night and didn’t realize until 2:00 p.m. Hawaii time I never posted these. Which is like 7:00 in the evening on the East Coast. Sorry.

  1. In what ways has pandemic life been positive for you?
  2. Where (and how often) did you get your pandemic news this past year?
  3. Where did you find unexpected comfort in these crazy twelve months?
  4. What are some little things you miss most about what used to be normal life?
  5. What do you think life will be like twelve months from now?

I appreciate your engagement every week — your silly responses, serious responses, puzzled responses, and charming responses have given me little lifelines to other parts of the world, little peeks into how others are coping, and glimpses into the lives of some obviously nice people. Thank you!

Thanks for participating, and have a safe weekend.

Friday 5 for March 5: Just vegging

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What’s your favorite root vegetable, and what’s your favorite way to eat it?
  2. What’s your favorite leafy green, and what’s your favorite way to eat it?
  3. What’s your favorite legume, and what’s your favorite way to eat it?
  4. What’s your favorite vegetable to put on a pizza?
  5. What’s your favorite fruit to eat in a green salad?

Thanks for participating, and have a scrumptious, SAFE weekend!

Friday 5 for February 26: A clubhouse ain’t nothin’ but a sandwich

Hello! And welcome! To this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

I’m on the Clubhouse app, and while I still haven’t participated the way it’s intended, I do drop in once in a while to eavesdrop. If you remember those 1-900 voice chat numbers in the U.S. in the 90s, it’s like that. People set up rooms, often themed by conversation topic, and you drop in and chat with them, or you just listen while others chat.

Since I kind of hate talking on the phone, I don’t see why I’d want to talk into an app on my phone with strangers around the world, but the app’s popularity is undeniable, so I’m here for the ride just to see where it goes. After all, when Twitter started, most of us asked, “Why would I want to do that?” and look where it is now.

It’s iPhone-only for now, and you need to be invited. So if you’re curious (no obligations, I swear), say so in your comment and I’ll send an invite to the email address attached invisibly to your comment. If you’re already on and want to exchange follows, I’m @scrivener.

  1. What is the longest you ever spent on the phone on one call?
  2. When you were a teen, how important was the phone in your daily life?
  3. How much do you use the actual telephone function of your phone today?
  4. How well do you handle phone calls at work?
  5. What are some good telephone-themed songs?

Thanks for participating! And have a wonderful, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for February 19: Brr!

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What will you remembrr about this past week?
  2. What’s trying its best to clobbrr you these days?
  3. What’s going on in the neighbrrhood?
  4. When were you recently required to summon some brravery?
  5. Over what will you happily labrr this weekend?

Thanks for participating, and have a safe weekend! Please stay warm!

Friday 5 for February 12: Couples therapy

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below, so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. Which celebrity couple, past or present, do you find particularly interesting?
  2. A couplet is a pair of rhyming lines of verse, one after another. Example:
    I think that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree.*
    In the form of a couplet, how would you describe your hopes for the weekend?
  3. With what (or whom) have you recently, consciously uncoupled?
  4. When did you last purchase something in a two-pack only because it doesn’t come in a one-pack?
  5. What were you doing a couple of hours ago, and what will you be doing in a couple of hours?

* Joyce Kilmer, but shout-out to Wayne and Wanda

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for February 5: Big game

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your webspace!

With apologies in advance.

  1. What item in your house recently ceased (or is likely soon to cease) Operation?
  2. If someone were to poker ’round in your refrigerator, what item might he or she have questions about?
  3. What’s in your backPac, Man?
  4. When did you last run into an old Flame?
  5. With what object are you frequently playing Hide-and-Seek?

Thanks for participating, and have a Super, safe weekend!

Prediction: Chiefs 30, Buccaneers 17.

Friday 5 for January 29: Sound tracking

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we can all check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What are you listening to?
  2. What are you hearing?
  3. What are you turning a deaf ear to?
  4. What have you recently overheard?
  5. To whom have you recently lent an ear?

Thanks for participating, and have a wonderful, lovely, happy, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for January 22: Every family has one

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. Who’s the nastiest flavor in the ice cream parlor?
  2. Which item in the produce aisle is most likely to spoil the party?
  3. What’s the most embarrassing song by your favorite musician or band?
  4. Which part of your body is always in trouble?
  5. What’s the worst film in your favorite actor’s* filmography?

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely, hopeful, wonderful, optimistic, safe weekend!

* “actor” as a non-gender-specific term

Friday 5 for January 15: Groovy, rad, lit

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. Which slang term from your youth, no longer in common use, do you remember fondly?
  2. What slang do you still use, ‘though it’s no longer in common use?
  3. Which current (or sorta recent) slang terms do you particularly like?
  4. Which slang terms, past or present, do you especially dislike?
  5. What slang terms are specific to your geographical region?

Thanks for participating, and whether your weekend is tubular, stank, def, wack, extra, or grody to the max, may it also be safe!