Friday 5 for November 30: Off Kilter

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5!  Please copy these questions to your webspace.  Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses.  Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What actor or actress would you like to see in a film genre he or she has never attempted?
  2. When did you recently see something beautiful in an unexpected place?
  3. In what way is someone you really admire flawed?
  4. In what situation did you recently find yourself utterly out of your element?
  5. What implement do you use in a manner unintended by its designer?

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely weekend!

Friday 5 for November 23: The Game’s Afoot

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5!  Please copy these questions to your website.  Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses.  Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. Where’s a nice place to take a walk?
  2. What do your everyday shoes look like nowadays?
  3. What separates a good pedicure from a bad one?
  4. When did you last go for a hike?
  5. What’s a good song with the word “walk” in its title?

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely weekend!

Friday 5 for November 16: Ice Is Forming on the Tips of My Wings

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5!  Please copy these questions to your webspace.  Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check your responses.  Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. How do you feel about passengers riding in front of you reclining their seats?
  2. What single aspect of airplane flight do you dislike the most?
  3. What was your longest flight on an airplane?
  4. What’s your favorite way to pass the time on a long flight?
  5. What are the best and worst things you’ve eaten on a plane or in an airport?

Thanks for participating, and have an elevated weekend!

Friday 5 for November 9: Excuses

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5!  Please copy these questions to your webspace.  Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses.  Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Apologies for the tardiness.  Crazy week.

  1. What was your excuse the last time you had to miss a social gathering?
  2. What was your excuse the last time you arrived late to something?
  3. What was someone else’s excuse for recently inconveniencing you?
  4. What’s a true explanation you wish you could have given (but didn’t) when you unintentionally inconvienced someone else?
  5. What’s something you wish you could be excused from right now?

Thank you for participating, and have a peaceful weekend.

Friday 5 for November 2: After ‘Im

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5!  Please copy these questions to your webspace.  Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses.  Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What improbable feat did you pull off this week?
  2. What will you do immediately following your completion of this post?
  3. In what way is your life lately imbalanced?
  4. What recent impulse purchases have you made?
  5. What immature behavior have you displayed recently?

Thanks for participating, and have an imazing weekend!