Friday 5 for October 5: A Garbage Heap of Questions

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5!  Please copy these questions to your webspace.  Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses.  Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Vegan Fivers are encouraged not to be offended by this quote from a podcast I really like.

So, a vegan diet will be short on some nutrients like Vitamin B12, but for many vegans, supplements work and they can be totally fine.  Actually, vegans can be even better than fine.  Researchers in the U.S. have been tracking a large group of vegans, also called a smug of vegans, since the early 2000s.

Hilarious, right?  This week’s questions are inspired by this moment of hilarity.  If you’re missing the joke, it’s a takeoff on a murder of crows or a pack of wolves or an ostentation of peacocks.

I have a feeling this is going to be an unpopular set of questions, but one never knows unless one tries!

  1. What should be the collective name for accountants?
  2. What should be the collective name for cafe baristas?
  3. What should be the collective name for tattoo artists?
  4. What should be the collective name for people who vape?
  5. What should be the collective name for people in your profession or hobby?

Thanks for participating, and have a glorious weekend!

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