Friday 5 for January 17: This week in the news

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

I almost never ask yes-no questions here, but they seem appropriate this week for some reason.

  1. Has the death of a famous person (not connected to you personally) ever made you cry?
  2. Have you ever sent money as relief aid after a disaster?
  3. How will the recent declaration affirming alcoholic beverages as cancer-causing affect your consumption?
  4. What is the most bizarre (or difficult to understand) movie you’ve seen?
  5. How willing and able are you to separate art from artist when a musican, actor, writer, or other creator is discovered to have behaved very badly?

Thanks for participating, and have a wonderful, safe weekend. I am a sucker for a new year (doubly, because my birthday is in the first week of the month), and cannot help but feel this is going to be a great year for us all, filled with joy, kindness, and peace, which I wish for you in abundance.

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