Friday 5 for December 14: Wrapped, part 2

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Woooo am I late with these. I’ve had a truly nasty cold since two Tuesdays ago and it’s driving me kind of insane. I was supposed to see Wicked last week with a person I’m trying to get to know — it would have been our first alone time: we were going to have breakfast , catch the late-morning flick, and then walk to a bookstore nearby — but your friend was still coughing like the old geezer he’s turning into, so that didn’t happen.

The musical-loving bookworm took her mom instead, minus the bagels and bookstore.

However, with two weeks left in the year and plenty of time to make it a memorable 2024, this is happening now, about a day late. Yeesh.

  1. What were your favorite TV series this year?
  2. What were your favorite movies this year?
  3. What was the most memorable meal you had this year?
  4. Who made you laugh most this year?
  5. When were you the farthest from home this year?

Thanks for participating, and have a comfy, safe weekend!

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