Friday 5 for July 19: A stitch in time keeps the doctor away

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. A well-known proverb begins, “Early to bed, early to rise…” How would you complete it so it’s descriptive of (not prescriptive for!) your life?
  2. A well-known proverb begins, “If at first you don’t succeed…” How would you complete it so it’s descriptive of (not prescriptive for!) your life?
  3. A well-known proverb ends, “…is the best policy.” How would you begin it so it’s descriptive of (not prescriptive for) your life?
  4. A well-known proverb ends, “…is the spice of life.” How would you begin it so it’s descriptive of (not prescriptive for!) your life?
  5. A well-known proverb ends, “…is the best medicine.” How would you begin it so it’s descriptive of (not prescriptive for!) your life?

Thanks for participating, and have a safe, fabulous, comfortable, relaxing weekend!

* I originally wrote this prompt but decided it might be too much of a downer, so I’m tacking it on at the end as an optional bonus question. Please ignore it if you’d rather not go there!

A well-known proverb begins, “There are…” and ends “…in the sea.” How would you fill the middle so it’s descriptive of your life?

* Here’s one I wrote twice, but it didn’t fit the descriptive/prescriptive model I established.

A well-known (something) begins, “I scream; you scream; we all scream for…” How would you complete it so it’s descriptive of your life?

A well-known (something) begins, “…for ice cream!” How would you begin it so it’s descriptive of your life?

Feel free to riff on either or both of these as well. You can see my issue. The original statement isn’t prescriptive. Maybe I should have asked, “…so it’s prescriptive for a better life, not descriptive of yours?” 🙂

4 Replies to “Friday 5 for July 19: A stitch in time keeps the doctor away”

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