Friday 5 for July 29: Scattergories part 12!

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

This week’s 5 is inspired by the party game Scattergories, in which players have to think of items, all beginning with the same letter, in several categories. For example, if the die is rolled and shows the letter N, players might have to name a soft drink, a farm animal, a river, and a U.S. President, all beginning with N. Valid answers might be Nehi, nanny goat, Nile, and Nixon.

First, go to this nifty online random-letter generator. Set the “number of random letter sequences to generate” to 1. Set the “length of each random letter sequence” to 1. Leave the “letters to choose from” how it is and click the button. You’ll get a rather non-dramatic one letter. Use this letter to begin all your answers to the 5 questions below. If you’d like to avoid difficult letters, feel free to change the “letters to choose from” list. I’ll only judge you a little bit.  🙂

Alternately, if you find this boring, you could set the “length of each random letter sequence” to 5, thereby giving you five letters, a different one for each question.

Wow! This is our twelfth year doing this! If you find this particularly fun (I do!) and haven’t done this before, here are the questions for parts 9, 10, and 11. Go crazy and do those too.

Please answer these questions with an answer whose initial is the letter you rolled!

  1. What geographical feature should be renamed in your honor?
  2. Who should play you in a movie about your life?
  3. What are you chasing?
  4. What’s getting in your way?
  5. What are you especially grateful for this week?

Thanks for participating, and have a cnajd* weekend!

* (generated by the random letter generator)

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