Friday 5 for January 19: Random topic generator

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Questions inspired by a random topic generator I found via Google.

  1. How much experience do you have with tobacco?
  2. What have you made with wood?
  3. What do you think of farmers markets in your area?
  4. What’s a good movie, novel, or TV show containing a shipwreck?
  5. What’s a good song with the word magic in its title or lyrics?

Thanks for participating, and have a pleasant, lovely, warm, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for January 12: Stolen 5

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

I was going to write 5 questions inspired by the songs of Barry Manilow, but then I did this 40-question thing on FB this evening and rather enjoyed it, so I’m stealing the better questions, with some editing to suit my purposes. I’ll put the whole list in the comments in case you want to do them, but don’t get any ideas. These 5 are the official (stolen) 5. We are not becoming the Friday 40, despite the appealing alliteration.

  1. What do you drink in the morning?
  2. What was the last song you heard?
  3. What are your feelings about ghosts?
  4. How do you feel about camping?
  5. What are your thoughts on showers vs. baths?

Thank you for participating, and have a wonderful, dry, warm, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for January 5: Touch that dial

Hello. Welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Please feel free to define TV anyway you wish.

  1. What’s the most boring thing on TV?
  2. What’s the most enlightening thing on TV?
  3. What’s the most comforting thing on TV?
  4. What’s the tawdriest thing on TV?
  5. What’s the most thrilling thing on TV?

Thanks for participating, and have a MASHy, safe weekend! 🙂

Friday 5 for December 29: Repetitively redundant

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What inconveniences do you experience every single day?
  2. What do you wish you weren’t so often in close proximity to?
  3. This past week, what would you have appreciated some advance warning about? (alternate question: What were you grateful to receive advance warning about?)
  4. What caused you to smile happily today?
  5. When did you recently give in to a sudden impulse?

Thanks with gratitude for participating this current week, and have a safe, harmless, peril-free weekend!

Friday 5 for December 22: The other shoe

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. When did you most recently drop the ball?
  2. Who last dropped you a line or dropped by?
  3. How do you feel about raindrops falling on your head?
  4. When did you memorably deliver a mic drop moment?
  5. Whom have you recently discovered to be drop-dead gorgeous?

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely, wonderful, safe weekend and holiday!

Friday 5 for December 15: Go

Hello, and welcome to this week’s (quite a bit tardy) Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Late again. Sorry. I’m going to blame this one on the holidays. it’s 11:19 a.m. on the U.S. East Coast as I type this!

  1. Which trivial pursuits have recently been most satisfying?
  2. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve attempted this week?
  3. What are you definitely not sorry about?
  4. When it’s all over, what do you hope people will remember about the way you played the game of life?
  5. What kind of trouble do you hope to get into this weekend?

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely, warm, safe weekend! Brrrr!

Friday 5 for December 8: Said it really loud; said it on the air

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. Where do you go when this old world starts getting you down, and people are just too much for you to face?
  2. Where do words flow out like endless rain into a paper cup?
  3. Where have you found yourself searching, searching for shelter again and again?
  4. Where can you smell the sea and feel the sky, and let your soul and spirit fly?
  5. Where can you swing it; where can you move it; where can you really start to groove it?

Thanks for participating, and I apologize for the ridiculous questions. 🙂 Have a wonderful, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for December 1: Relish the thought

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. With whom have you recently had beef?
  2. What might you never ketchup on?
  3. Which of your tasks this week was especially well done?
  4. When has a complete stranger gotten up in your grill? *
  5. What’s the cheesiest thing you’ve recently enjoyed?

Thanks for participating, and have a warm, fluffy, juicy, satisfying, rare, safe weekend!

* The urban dictionary definitions of this term are terrible. It really means to get in your face about something. “Grill” is a slang term that used to mean those flashy jewel-decorated teeth some people sported; in this usage it refers to teeth in general, which in “up in my grill,” a slang I particularly enjoy, is really a synecdoche. Teeth to represent the whole face, like when we say “her hand in marriage” with “hand” representing the whole person.

Friday 5 for November 24: I want the fairy tale

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to l ink us from your website!

  1. Where have you lately found satisfaction?
  2. When have you let someone off the hook, or when have you been let off the hook?
  3. When were you recently in a social situation where finding something to talk about was a challenge?
  4. To what (or to whom) are you getting closer?
  5. What in your life these days might you call a money monster?

Thank you for participating, and have a wonderful, gratitude-filled, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for November 17: Roll the bones

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. How do you feel about gambling?
  2. Which casino-type game do you most enjoy?
  3. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve done recently?
  4. What are the chances this will be a terrific weekend for you?
  5. What’s your favorite (gambling or not gambling) card game?

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely, wonderful, terrific, lucky, safe weekend!