Friday 5 for February 28: Talked all night for the rest of our lives

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. If we renamed all the vitamins so their names were the initials of essential components of mentally healthy living, what would the A in Vitamin A stand for, what should you consume in order to get it, and what’s the recommended daily (or weekly, or whatever) allowance?
  2. What would the B in Vitamin B stand for, what should you consume in order to get it, and what’s the recommended daily (or weekly, or whatever) allowance?
  3. What would the C in Vitamin C stand for, what should you consume in order to get it, and what’s the recommended daily (or weekly, or whatever) allowance?
  4. What would the D in Vitamin D stand for, what should you consume in order to get it, and what’s the recommended daily (or weekly, or whatever) allowance?
  5. What would the E in Vitamin E stand for, what should you consume in order to get it, and what’s the recommended daily (or weekly, or whatever) allowance?

Thanks for participating, and have a mentally healthy, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for February 21: Food for getting in shape

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. What’s your favorite animal-shaped food?
  2. What’s your favorite cylinder- or tube-shaped food?
  3. What’s your favorite disc-shaped food?
  4. What’s your favorite sphere-shaped food?
  5. What’s your favorite triangle-shaped food?

Thanks for participating, and have a wonderful, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for February 14: Step by step

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. When did you most recently follow a recipe?
  2. When did you most recently give or receive directions to some location?
  3. When did you most recently follow instructions for assembling something?
  4. When did you most recently complete a form?
  5. When did you most recently have your routine disrupted?

Thanks for participating, and have a cozy, comfy, safe weekend!

Friday 5 for February 7: The pompatus of love

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

  1. Who in your life is a real joker?
  2. When did you take the money and run?
  3. Whose music is rock’n you this week?
  4. When do you next expect to be on a jet airliner, and where do you expect it will take you?
  5. Which movies set in jungles do you love?

Thanks for participating, and have a safe, swingtown kinda weekend!